Enjoy Non-Surgical Wrinkle Reduction

Dermal fillers are composed of a biocompatible material that slowly breaks down over time.  Dermal fillers fall into three common categories:  hyaluronic acid fillers (Juvéderm®, Restylane®, Silk®, Belotero®), collagen (Cosmoderm®), or synthetic materials (Radiesse®, Bellafill®, Sculptra®).   

Short-duration fillers last approximately three months, while the longest-lasting temporary fillers can last up to five years or more.  Each type of filler has advantages and disadvantages so Dr. Cappuccino will work with you to explore your options and land on the best choice for you.

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Non-Surgical Procedures Performed by Dr. Rachel Cappuccino

Dr. Rachel Cappuccino specializes in non-surgical procedures such as injectables, BOTOX, laser procedures, and consultations for hair restoration procedures. Our team continues on to explain the various non-surgical procedures available at Guy Cappuccino MD Plastic and Reconstructive surgery including Halo laser, dermal fillers, CoolSculpting fat reduction, and more.

Dr. Cappuccino performing one of her laser treatments on a blonde patient

How Can Dermal Fillers Help?

When used for facial aging, fillers:

  • Soften the deep lines around the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds)
  • Smooth facial wrinkles
  • Restore lost cheek volume
  • Camouflage jowl lines
  • Fill under-eye hollows
  • Lift the cheeks
  • Smooth lip wrinkles
  • Enhance lip shape
  • Lift the brow
  • Enhance the jawline

Dermal Fillers vs. Neuromodulators

Dermal fillers are not the same as neuromodulators (Botox). Botox treats wrinkles by relaxing the muscles causing the wrinkles while dermal fillers actually fill the wrinkle. Unlike Botox, the results are immediate.

Some of my patients are reluctant at first to try dermal fillers because they are turned off by some celebrities who look plastic or “overdone.”  When celebrities look weird it’s because they specifically want that look. I know it sounds crazy, but hey, they got noticed! 

I always assure my patients that usually they cannot spot someone who has had fillers done because those people just look normal, but more youthful. During your consultation, we’ll go over exactly what kind of results you can expect from dermal fillers in Maryland.

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Potential Side Effects

Side effects and allergic reactions are very rare. Most common concerns after injections that are less common but more concerning involve:

  • Temporary swelling following injections or bruising
  • Unevenness
  • Under correction
  • Palpable nodules
  • Bluish tint (tyndall effect) 

In my professional opinion, choosing an expert in dermal fillers is the key to consistent, outstanding results. Only choose a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist experienced in cosmetic injections for your procedure. All dermal fillers should be performed in a medical setting with sterile instruments. Treatments done in homes, hotels, spas, or resorts are not being done in medical environments, regardless of who is doing them.

Your Dermal Filler Options

We’re excited to be offering an impressive range of dermal fillers in Maryland. Take a look at the options listed below, and don’t hesitate to reach out and set up your consultation when you’re ready to learn more. Dr. Cappuccino will be happy to walk you through your options and land on the treatment that is perfect for you.

RHA Collection

RHA fillers by Revance are the first and only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid fillers for dynamic facial wrinkles and folds. Dynamic wrinkles appear in areas of the face which move repetitively, so RHA is designed to be resilient enough to adapt to your facial movements. 

RHA-2 and RHA-3 are indicated for injection into the mid to deep dermis for moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds such as the nasolabial folds. RHA-4 is indicated for injection into the deep dermis or subdermis for volume addition and correction of dynamic folds. All RHA products are slowly dissolved by the body and results last approximately 15 months.

Juvéderm Ultra

Juvedérm is an injectable facial filler used by dermatologists and plastic surgeons for the purpose of softening deep folds and reducing wrinkles. It is mainly composed of hyaluronic acid (HA), which is a substance normally found in the skin, muscles, and tendons of mammals. Hyaluronic acid binds and absorbs water, and the lack of this substance leads to dry and wrinkled skin. As people age, the skin produces less HA which results in drier, thinner-looking skin filled with wrinkles. Juvéderm rejuvenates the skin by restoring volume and hydration, giving you a fuller and healthier complexion.

Juvéderm Ultra Plus

Juvéderm Ultra Plus is a thicker gel and is often used to add volume to larger areas and deeper lines in your face. Juvederm Ultra Plus is often used during a “liquid facelift” procedure to sculpt the areas of the face that could be treated for volume loss.


Juvéderm VOLBELLA XC is an injectable hyaluronic acid filler that offers correction of lip lines and the addition of lip volume. The lip enhancement is natural appearing and lasts for one year in most patients. VOLBELLA uses patented VYCROSS technology from Allergan that yields smooth yet long-lasting results.

Juvéderm VOLUMA

Juvéderm Voluma® is the latest of the Juvéderm range of hyaluronic acid fillers FDA approved and specifically designed to restore volume in areas of volume loss for up to two years. Common areas include the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin. Additionally, due to its versatility, it is also suitable for adding definition to the jawline.

Restylane and Perlane

Restylane, like Juvederm, is composed of hyaluronic acid gels that add volume and fullness to the treated area. Restylane is a natural, synthesized, and fully degradable substance and requires no allergy testing prior to treatment.  Perlane® differs from Restylane in that the gel particles are larger than those in Restylane and are therefore often more effective in treating deeper wrinkles and folds. As such, Perlane can be injected as a base filler with Restylane and Juvederm added to enhance the overall natural appearance.

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Restylane Silk

Restylane Silk has recently been approved for release in the United States! It's the first and only FDA-approved product specifically designed for subtle lip enhancement and the smoothing of wrinkles and lines around the mouth in patients over 21 years of age. Just like the other members of the Restylane family, Restylane Silk is a clear gel formulation of hyaluronic acid — a sugar that is naturally present in your skin. Like other areas of the face, the lips and skin surrounding the mouth show signs of aging as an individual gets older. This often results in lip thinning, lost shape, and an increase in vertical lines above the lip.

Restylane Silk is designed specifically to provide natural-looking results in these areas. That's why it's made of smaller, smoother particles than those used in other Restylane products.

Restylane Silk's unique particle gel formula, along with an ultrafine needle designed for improved accuracy, helps give you softer, more precise results — just what you need for a natural-looking smile. 59% of patients treated with Restylane Silk maintained lip fullness six months after treatment.


Radiesse®, a natural byproduct of human bones, is a mineral-like compound (calcium hydroxylapatite) made of calcium-based microspheres, that provides immediate volume and lift to the treated area of the face. This filler not only reduces wrinkles caused by loss of collagen, but it also stimulates the body’s collagen production for long-lasting results. Producing immediately visible results, Radiesse injections are highly effective for, lifting nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth, cheek augmentation, chin augmentation, and hand rejuvenation. Radiesse treatments last about 12 to 13 months.


Bellafill is approved for the correction of facial wrinkles known as nasolabial folds, or smile lines, and the correction of moderate to severe, atrophic, distensible facial acne scars on the cheek in patients over the age of 21 years. It is also the only dermal filler established safe and effective for the correction of nasolabial folds for up to five years.

Bellafill is a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) collagen filler. You can expect to see visible correction with the very first treatment. The collagen in Bellafill provides immediate volume and lift while the PMMA microspheres remain in place and create a matrix that supports collagen production in your skin for lasting improvement.

Bellafill has been approved by the FDA for the correction of facial wrinkles known as nasolabial folds or smile lines since 2006. It should be noticed that your Bellafill treatment will require a skin test to identify patients who may be allergic to the lidocaine or collagen in Bellafill. If these allergies are present, Dr. Cappuccino will recommend an alternative treatment.

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Fat Transfer

In the medical world, the fat injection procedure is known as autologous fat transplantation or microlipoinjection. It involves extracting fat cells from the patient's abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or elsewhere and reinjecting them beneath the facial skin. Fat is most often used to fill in "sunken" cheeks or laugh lines between the nose and mouth, to correct skin depressions or indentations, to minimize forehead wrinkles, and to enhance the lips.

The Procedure 

After both the donor and recipient sites are cleansed and treated with local anesthesia, the fat is withdrawn using a syringe with a large-bore needle or a cannula (the same instrument used in liposuction) attached to a suction device. The fat is then prepared and injected into the recipient site with a needle. Sometimes an adhesive bandage is applied over the injection site.

As with collagen injections, "overfilling" is necessary to allow for fat absorption in the weeks following treatment. When fat is used to fill sunken cheeks or to correct areas on the face other than lines, this overcorrection of the newly injected fat may temporarily make the face appear abnormally puffed out or swollen.

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After Your Treatment

If a larger area was treated, you may be advised to curtail your activity for a brief time. However, many patients are able to resume normal activity immediately. You can expect some swelling, bruising, or redness in both the donor and recipient sites. The severity of these symptoms depends upon the size and location of the treated area. You should stay out of the sun until the redness and bruising subsides - usually about 48 hours. In the meantime, you may use makeup with sunblock protection to help conceal your condition. The swelling and puffiness in the recipient site may last several weeks, especially if a large area was filled.

Enjoying Your Results

The duration of the fat injections varies significantly from patient to patient. Though some patients have reported results lasting a year or more, the majority of patients find that at least half of the injected fullness disappears within three to six months. Therefore, repeated injections may be necessary. Dr. Cappuccino will advise you on how to maintain your results with repeat treatments.

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Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation with Dermal Fillers

Often referred to as “lunch break” treatments due to their expedient nature, these dermal fillers are as quick and easy as they are effective. Our active patients love the ability to enjoy effective facial rejuvenation without any kind of significant downtime or recovery period, thanks to dermal fillers.

If you’re interested in learning more, reach out and set up your consultation at our Mount Airy, MD location. We’re proud to be serving patients in the Frederick area and beyond, and we can’t wait to learn more about what we can do for you.

Dermal Fillers FAQs:

Are dermal fillers safe?

How long do dermal fillers last?

Can dermal fillers be reversed?

How much do dermal fillers cost?

Are dermal fillers safe?

When administered by a qualified and experienced medical professional, dermal fillers are generally safe. However, like any medical procedure, there are risks involved, such as allergic reactions, infection, or asymmetry. It's crucial to choose a reputable provider and discuss any concerns with them beforehand.

How long do dermal fillers last?

The duration of dermal fillers varies depending on the type of filler used and the individual's metabolism. Generally, hyaluronic acid fillers last around 6 to 18 months, while longer-lasting fillers like calcium hydroxylapatite can last up to 2 years or more.

Can dermal fillers be reversed?

Hyaluronic acid fillers can be partially or completely reversed using an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which breaks down the filler. This can be helpful in cases of overfilling, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction with the results.

How much do dermal fillers cost?

The cost of dermal fillers varies depending on factors such as the type of filler used, the number of syringes required, and the provider's expertise. On average, dermal fillers can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per treatment session.

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