Hair Restoration

For those considering a permanent solution in hair transplantation, Dr. Cappuccino and The Maryland Hair Center offer both Follicular Unit Transfer (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Dr. Cappuccino is committed to helping those suffering from hair loss to obtain the best possible results, restoring a natural-appearing hairline with minimal discomfort or downtime, and often no staples or stitches! 

Successful hair restoration surgery requires selecting a plastic surgeon with the special training and experience necessary to get excellent results. As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr.Cappuccino possesses the credentials and training you should look for when choosing a surgeon for a hair transplant in Maryland. He’s proudly serving the Mount Airy and Frederick, Maryland locations, so don’t hesitate to reach out and set up your appointment as soon as you’re ready to learn more!

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Reveal the Difference a Hair Transplant Can Make

an image of Dr. Cappuccino conducting a hair transplant procedure on a patient

Hair Restoration with Dr. Cappuccino

older gentleman in a purple button down during an interview

NeoGraft Patient Testimonial

Your Hair Transplant Consultation

The consultation is an important part of the hair restoration process, as with just about any treatment or procedure we offer here. Dr. Cappuccino prides himself on a patient-centric approach and will take the time to meet with you, get to know your hair loss challenges, and learn more about your goals for restoration.

With this information in mind, he’ll then guide you through your available treatment options, helping you to pick out the one with will most effectively bring you in line with your ideal results.

Hair Transplant Before & After

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Obtaining Your Medical and Hair Related History

Past History

Before you see Dr. Cappuccino, we ask you to fill out a form that describes your past medical history, surgeries you have had, and medications you currently use or have used in the past. We also want to know what hair loss treatments you have used in the past. Please bring your medication list to your hair consultation appointment as you may not remember all the details.

Hair Loss Impacts

We also want to learn how hair loss has impacted your life and career and what your priorities are. This knowledge helps Dr. Cappuccino make a master plan that will be good for you now and also help you reach your goals.

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Physical Examination

Dr. Cappuccino will perform a scalp exam looking at hair loss patterns, skin and hair condition, and any styling options you use. This will help him determine the best method by which he can produce the results that you’re most interested in.

Microscopic Evaluation

We’ll perform a hair miniaturization study using a densitometer that shows the areas of the scalp where you have active hair loss as well as predict the future of your baldness. This is a very critical test that lets the doctor determine if you have healthy donor hair and proper recipient skin that will allow for full growth of your hair.

Other Tests

At times, other diagnostic tools might become necessary to determine your hair loss cause and how to treat your condition. Some patients may need blood work or a scalp biopsy if Dr. Cappuccino suspects other types of hair loss that may need non-surgical treatments. 

Creating A Plan or Your Hair Restoration

After the consultation, Dr. Cappuccino will craft the best overall plan that suits your condition at this time and present the best options for the future. This plan not only includes the surgical procedure, it considers the medical treatments and topical products that will give you the best result.


You might not be a good candidate at this time to undergo a hair transplant but there are medications we can discuss that can help slow the rate of your hair loss such as PRP therapy. We’ll discuss these options so you can feel informed in your decision.

Hair Transplant

If you are ready to have a hair restoration procedure, we’ll examine the differences between the FUE hair transplant and FUT hair transplant to help you make an educated and informed decision regarding your transplant choice based on your goals.

Designing Your Hairline

Once you make the decision of which hair transplant technique to undergo, we will design your hairline in order to give you the high-quality results you desire and deserve. Every step of the way after your procedure will be discussed with you during your hair transplant consultation. That includes results and when to expect them, what you need to do, and potential complications.

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FUT Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), or “strip method,” is a surgical procedure that involves transplanting hair from a donor area of your scalp to the areas that are bald or thinning. The donor site in FUT is typically in the back or sides of the scalp, in which a group of one to four hairs (or follicular unit) is extracted from a thin donor strip. The donor site is closed with sutures, leaving a thin surgical scar. 

Once the follicular unit is removed, Dr. Cappuccino and his team prepare the graft follicles for permanent implantation with careful and precise microscopic dissection techniques. Many potential patients shy away from (or are not candidates for) the traditional “strip method” of hair replacement because of the slow recovery time, the loss of feeling at the incision site, the linear scar on the back of the head, or the amount of post-operative pain involved.

While our practice continues to offer the strip method of hair replacement for select patients, we are proud to offer a more advanced technique, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). This revolutionary technique can be more expensive but eliminates the concern for linear scarring because FUE harvests each individual hair follicle instead of extracting a thin strip. Our clinic staff will gladly take the time with you to educate you on each procedure option and recommend the best solution for your specific hair loss condition.

Benefits of the FUT (Strip Method):

  • Strip method can have a very high graft yield in patients with limited donor hair
  • Strip method may also be beneficial for repeat operations from prior FUT strip procedures
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FUE Hair Transplant

Hair Restoration should be unnoticeable to all but those you tell and we are proud to offer NeoGraft®, a safe, advanced, minimally invasive alternative to the strip method. Dr. Cappuccino and his highly trained and experienced team achieve optimal, natural-looking results with this technology. We offer the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method utilizing the NeoGraft® Automated Hair Transplantation system. The FUE method of hair transplantation removes individual hair follicles from the scalp in their naturally occurring groupings of about one to four hairs which are then placed in the areas of the scalp where balding has occurred.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is the newest method of hair transplantation. It takes hair grafts from the back of the head (where hair is genetically programmed not to fall out) so they can be placed in thinning or balding areas. Compared to the more common "strip" or follicular unit transplantation (FUT) surgery, the FUE procedure maximizes the use of the finite amount of donor hair available. FUE can be performed with a local anesthetic and results in little bleeding.

When performed manually, FUE can be a time-consuming, tedious and expensive process. It can also be a difficult procedure for physicians to master, so most continue to rely on the faster "strip" method. The drawback with both manual FUE and the strip method is that they require extensive handling of the grafts, and the survival rate of donor grafts decreases the more they are handled. The NeoGraft® device eliminates the problems associated with manual FUE hair restoration. It makes the process simpler, quicker, and more effective than either manual FUE or "strip" surgery, leading to the best possible aesthetic result.

Benefits of the FUE Method (NeoGraft®):

The NeoGraft® Automated FUE is also a useful procedure to fix visible linear scars from previous “strip” surgeries. FUE can be used to ‘fill in’ or camouflage those old scars by transplanting new follicles into the area. Other main benefits include:

  • FUE hair transplant is a very safe, minimally invasive, relatively minor procedure
  • Minimal bleeding and fewer complications than with the “strip” method
  • The procedure is performed with local anesthetic and no intravenous or intra-muscular sedation is required
  • Patients experience minimal discomfort, no scalpel incision, no sutures, no linear scar, and quick recovery times

After Your Hair Transplant Surgery

Recovery depends on the procedure's complexity. Pain, tightness, or throbbing can be managed with prescribed medication. Bandages, if used, are typically removed after a day, and hair can be gently washed two days post-surgery. Stitches are removed within 7-10 days. Expect some swelling, bruising, or drainage—discuss these with your surgeon.

Avoid vigorous exercise and contact sports for three weeks, as well as sexual activity for at least 10 days, to prevent bleeding. Dr. Cappuccino will schedule several follow-up visits in the first month to ensure proper healing. Follow all post-op instructions carefully.

Getting Back to Normal

How soon you resume your normal routine depends on the length, complexity, and type of surgery you've had. You may feel well enough to go back to work and resume normal, light activity after several days.

Many patients who have had transplants (plugs or other grafts) are dismayed to find that their "new" hair falls out within six weeks after surgery. Remember, this condition is normal and almost always temporary. After hair falls out, it will take another five to six weeks before hair growth resumes. You can expect about a half-inch of growth per month.

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Follow-Up Procedures

You may need a surgical "touch-up" procedure to create more natural-looking results after your incisions have healed. Sometimes, this involves blending, a filling-in of the hairline using a combination of mini-grafts, micro-grafts, or slit grafts. Or, if you've had a flap procedure, a small bump called a "dog ear" may remain visible on the scalp. Dr. Cappuccino can surgically remove this after complete healing has occurred.

In general, it's best to anticipate that you will need a touch-up procedure. Dr. Cappuccino can usually predict how extensive your follow-up surgery is likely to be. When you’re ready to learn more about how Dr. Guy Cappuccino and his exceptionally talented team can help you enjoy a wonderfully full head of hair, reach out and set up your consultation at our Mount Airy office and begin your cosmetic journey!

Hair Transplant FAQs

Are the results permanent?

Will a hair transplant affect my existing hair color or texture?

Can I wear a hat or helmet after a hair transplant?

What are the risks or side effects?

Are the results permanent?

Yes, transplanted hair is usually permanent, as it is resistant to the effects of hair loss. However, natural aging and other factors can affect hair over time.

Will a hair transplant affect my existing hair color or texture?

No, the transplanted hair retains its original color, texture, and growth pattern because it comes from your own scalp.

Can I wear a hat or helmet after a hair transplant?

Light hats can usually be worn after a few days, but avoid tight hats or helmets for at least two weeks to prevent pressure on the grafts.

What are the risks or side effects?

Common side effects include swelling, bruising, itching, and temporary shedding of transplanted hair.

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